Email us for directions

Kamp Kaylez Amenities

  • 5 Acres fairly flat land (property use to be an old campground)
  • 660ft of low bank river front access
  • Room for several tents and RV’s
  • No water (other than river)
  • No sewer
  • No power (bring a generator) 
  • Outhouse
  • Cellphones work at camp but are intermittent on the forest roads.
  • Fun local outdoor actives 
  • Rafting
  • Hiking

What should you bring?

  •  Everything you would need for primitive/dry camping including toilet paper & lawn chairs 🙂
  • Garbage bags so you can pack out what you brought in 🙂
  • Bring the map of how to get there, don’t rely on having cellphone service or us answering our phones to give directions.
  • Quarters & money to play games & cards.
  • Town is about a half hour away if you need to go to the store.
  • Here is a generic packing list for camping 😉 Camping Packing List


Kamp Kaylez Rules & Disclaimers


  • You pack it in you pack it out (including garbage).
  • Only burnables allowed in the fire i.e. wood or paper, NO explosives, garbage/food, glass/plastic bottles or cans etc.
  • No aggressive or obnoxious pets.
  • You are responsible for any fire you build & must ensure it is completely out when unsupervised.
  • You are responsible for abiding by local burn bans that may be in affect during your stay.
  • No cutting trees for firewood without our permission.
  • No digging or eroding of the river bank.
  • Have fun 🙂 


There are risks, hazards and dangers associated with the property & camping in general.  These risks include, but are not limited several uncertainties such as:

  • weather
  • hazards in/by the river
  • wildlife
  • motorized & non-motorized vehicles
  • fire
  • people
  • pets
  • steep/ rocky terrain
  • acts of mother nature
  • uncertainty of conditions in an outdoor environment
Entering the property will imply you accept all risks associated with recreational property and are entering at your own risk.  You also understand the owners assume no responsibly for accidents or injuries that may occur.